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Remote Interview Ready! - Fenix Recruiting

Ready for remote interview

Remote Interview Ready!

December 13, 2022 Fenix Team Comments Off

Have you ever waited until the LAST minute to join a virtual job interview only to discover your webcam, mic or another component is not functioning?

DON’T EVER wait until the last moment to log on. Here are some tips you MIGHT want to consider and implement.

  1. About 30 or 20 mins before your interview, create and log on to your own mock call, whether Team or Zoom, just to ensure you have no mic, camera, other software or app functioning issues.

2 Restart your cell phone. Have it on the ready having also tested as above, with the email containing the link information pulled up, even better with the application open and pin inserted ready to hit join.

3. If your PC fails, then you stay calm and quickly rejoin via your phone without missing a beat.

4. Upon re-joining, this is an OPPORTUNITY, to not only apologize and mention what occurred but, SHINE by communicating you were thinking ahead and fully prepared for such a potential occurrence. You expect the unexpected and stand ready with plan B solutions. Mic Drop!!


The Consequences

Not having that phone ready means, you will most likely panic and spend time trying to solve the PC issue. You then remember, the email mentioned you could also use your phone, you scramble to re-open the email, then try to reconnect. How much time did you squander? Your mindset by this time has changed. Its saying….Oh crap, I totally messed up. Now you are not focused and low on confidence.

Not all interviewers will have the patience to sit and wait for your return. Demonstrate your proactive approach of readiness to handle unplanned occurrences.

DON’T blow your shot with a LACK of PREPAREDNESS.