Fenix Team, Author at Fenix Recruiting https://www.fenixrecruiting.com/author/daboss/ Making Recruiting Stress Free Tue, 13 Dec 2022 22:47:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.fenixrecruiting.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/cropped-500x500-1-e1665022073426.png?fit=32%2C21&ssl=1 Fenix Team, Author at Fenix Recruiting https://www.fenixrecruiting.com/author/daboss/ 32 32 211234708 Remote Interview Ready! https://www.fenixrecruiting.com/remote-interview-ready/ Tue, 13 Dec 2022 22:28:18 +0000 https://www.fenixrecruiting.com/?p=8005 Have you ever waited until the LAST minute to join a virtual job interview only to discover your webcam, mic or another component is not functioning? DON’T EVER wait until the last moment to log on. Here are some tips you MIGHT want to consider and implement. About 30 or 20 mins before your interview, […]

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Have you ever waited until the LAST minute to join a virtual job interview only to discover your webcam, mic or another component is not functioning?

DON’T EVER wait until the last moment to log on. Here are some tips you MIGHT want to consider and implement.

  1. About 30 or 20 mins before your interview, create and log on to your own mock call, whether Team or Zoom, just to ensure you have no mic, camera, other software or app functioning issues.

2 Restart your cell phone. Have it on the ready having also tested as above, with the email containing the link information pulled up, even better with the application open and pin inserted ready to hit join.

3. If your PC fails, then you stay calm and quickly rejoin via your phone without missing a beat.

4. Upon re-joining, this is an OPPORTUNITY, to not only apologize and mention what occurred but, SHINE by communicating you were thinking ahead and fully prepared for such a potential occurrence. You expect the unexpected and stand ready with plan B solutions. Mic Drop!!


The Consequences

Not having that phone ready means, you will most likely panic and spend time trying to solve the PC issue. You then remember, the email mentioned you could also use your phone, you scramble to re-open the email, then try to reconnect. How much time did you squander? Your mindset by this time has changed. Its saying….Oh crap, I totally messed up. Now you are not focused and low on confidence.

Not all interviewers will have the patience to sit and wait for your return. Demonstrate your proactive approach of readiness to handle unplanned occurrences.

DON’T blow your shot with a LACK of PREPAREDNESS.

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10 Things You Need to Know before Your Next Job Interview https://www.fenixrecruiting.com/10-things-you-need-to-know-before-your-next-job-interview/ Wed, 05 Oct 2022 19:50:45 +0000 http://www.fenixrecruiting.com/?p=7440 Job interviews may be very nerve-wracking, especially if the position is one you’ve been hoping for or if it will help you develop your career. How ought one to dress? What should you bring with you? How confident should you come across? What should you get ready? Prior to attending an interview, each of these […]

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Job interviews may be very nerve-wracking, especially if the position is one you’ve been hoping for or if it will help you develop your career. How ought one to dress? What should you bring with you? How confident should you come across? What should you get ready? Prior to attending an interview, each of these issues must be taken into account.

As recruitment specialists, we have seen both successful and unsuccessful candidate interviews. We’ve put up a list of the top methods to wow during your next interview using our years of experience.


1. Get as much information as you can about the job and the organization before applying.

Research the company as much as you can online, including its directors, awards, length of operation, mission, objectives, and organizational structure. Their company website and LinkedIn profiles are great places to start. What are their corporate values, work environment, and stance on environmental sustainability and inclusive workplaces?

They will realize you are serious about working for them if you go into an interview with some knowledge of the business. If you ask clarifying questions, your new prospective employer will be able to boast about the successes of the business and comprehend your reasons for applying for the position.

2. Make a good first impression

A face-to-face interview site should be planned ahead of time, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area. How is parking if you’re driving? Planning a journey should always include a test run. The most crucial rule is to never be late for an interview. Always wear professional attire even when virtual. Make sure you have the necessary equipment, including good Wi-Fi,  good mic, lighting and that you are set up 15 minutes before the scheduled interview time in a peaceful, distraction-free space for a video interview. Initial impressions matter.

If you are at home, take into account what is sitting in your background.


3. Pay attention to the interviewer’s inquiries and provide appropriate responses.

We frequently feel so nervous before an interview that we want to say everything out loud. It’s important to come prepared, but you should also take your time, pay attention to the questions, and give proper answers. Connect your abilities, successes, and goals to the business’ needs.

Answer questions in a clear, straightforward manner and support your arguments with pertinent examples. Engage the recruiter if the initial interview is with a recruiting firm like Fenix Recruiting. A recruitment agency will have additional details about the organization and the position that you might not be aware of. They can be useful when attempting to negotiate a contract in your favor.


4. Show that you are genuinely interested in the information being given to you.

Your body language and how you react to the facts presented are important clues as to how interested you are in the job. Your first impression will be improved if you make eye contact, look directly at the camera (if virtual), lean forward, and ask clarifying questions to show that you are genuinely interested.


5. Don’t be shy. Sell yourself

You must articulate your background and achievements in a way that highlights your skills and what you can provide to the position and organization. Prepare your selling points ahead of time with examples of how you’ve used them and the outcomes you’ve gotten. Your personal brand is significant, and whether or not your values and views align with those of the organization could influence whether or not you are given a job. Aim to sell both yourself and your sincere interest in the position at all times.


6. Be aggressive

Some interview candidates who are often very assertive become too subservient in an effort to impress their interviewers. However, demonstrating respect for others does not imply subordination. Contrary to popular belief, the interviewer won’t naturally bring up your strengths. Make sure they are aware of your main strengths.


7. Prepare some inquiries.

At the end of an interview, there is always an opportunity for questions. Make sure you have some prepared in advance that are not yes-or-no questions but rather open-ended. Once more, you show that you paid close attention throughout the interview and that you are ready to find out more about the business, role and the successes of the interviewers themselves


8. Always end on an upbeat note

Don’t hold back on expressing your willingness to accept the position until the interview is over. Both before and after the interview, let the interviewer know that you are enthusiastic about the job and sure of your desire to work for the organization. Despite the fact that you and another applicant may both be similarly qualified, the interviewer can be more inclined to provide an offer to you since they think you will accept the job.


9. Send your interviewer an email to follow up after.

You should express gratitude to the interviewer for including you in the discussion and let them know you are accessible for any additional queries. This reveals your passion for the position. Take some time after each interview to make a few notes about what the interviewer said in order to create a solid thank you note that is specific to that interview.


10. Never quit

Call or email to follow up after. Request evaluations of your interview. If you don’t get the job, don’t make the same mistakes in the next interview to increase your chances. Consider having a professional review your resume or application if you aren’t even getting to the interview stage.


We at Fenix Recruiting can assist you with this and offer advice on how to strengthen your interviewing skills.


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WHY Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion MATTERS https://www.fenixrecruiting.com/why-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-matters/ Wed, 05 Oct 2022 18:17:01 +0000 http://www.fenixrecruiting.com/?p=7387 What true diversity equity and inclusion looks like

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What is Diversity?

While individuals lack diversity, teams and organizations cannot. Diversity is a term used to describe the variety of people that make up different social groups. Diverse identities, histories, viewpoints, preferences, experiences, and so forth are also included in the definition of diversity.


The diversity of an individual’s identity encompasses a variety of distinctions, such as socialized and visible race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, bodily size or shape, or age.


Equity: What Is It?

The representation of people from all identities and origins who have a range of experiences and viewpoints is what is referred to as diversity in the workplace. No one person is diverse; variety is a mosaic made up of different individuals.

Equity means treating everyone fairly and providing them with equal access to opportunities. Organizations are required to identify and remove obstacles that have traditionally inhibited the full involvement of all groups as part of this action-based practice. Who gets access to job prospects and how people feel valued at work are influenced by equity.

Equity at work must be implemented in a deliberate and well-thought-out manner. To assess if the workplace is truly equal, leaders must carefully evaluate the rules, practices, and environments within their organization.




What About Inclusion?

Inclusiveness is the result of deliberate action to ensure that workers feel seen, heard, and accepted at work rather than just a feeling or a byproduct of diversity. Fostering a secure workplace where staff members may speak up without fear is related to inclusion. The concept of inclusion also applies to flexible work arrangements that respect various commitments and schedules.

Inclusion recognizes various leadership, communication, and working styles in addition to the workplace and flexibility. Employees should feel free to express their demands in an inclusive workplace, and employers should be prepared to accommodate special needs.


Why is DEI significant at work?

DEI in the workplace extends beyond educational materials, mentoring initiatives, and new regulations. Employers who are fair to their workers foster inclusive, diverse work environments where people may express their distinct viewpoints, show respect for one another’s needs, and develop to the fullest extent possible without hindrances.


Therefore, inclusive workplaces outperform their rivals, increase innovation and financial returns, and enhance employee experiences.


Organizations have the ability to provide everyone with equitable employment opportunities, develop flexible work environments, assemble diverse teams, and teach staff to recognize and combat internal prejudice. Organizations will get additional advantages as a result of their initiatives.


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Steps to prevent work from home burnout https://www.fenixrecruiting.com/easy-steps-to-prevent-work-from-home-burnout/ Sat, 01 Oct 2022 15:59:00 +0000 http://localhost/construction/?p=68 Are you on the verge of work-from-home burnout? We want to discuss with you how you may stay motivated and prevent burnout while working from home. It’s my sincere hope that a few of these preventative measures may help you avoid work-from-home burnout. Follow thee steps to avoid it. 1. Go for a walk Seeing […]

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Are you on the verge of work-from-home burnout? We want to discuss with you how you may stay motivated and prevent burnout while working from home.

It’s my sincere hope that a few of these preventative measures may help you avoid work-from-home burnout.

Follow thee steps to avoid it.

1. Go for a walk

Seeing green trees, grass, flowers, or sceneries is incredibly reviving, no matter where you are in the world.

I genuinely believe that nothing soothes and revitalizes me more than simply taking in some fresh air and seeing some greenery, some birds, or someone’s adorable puppy playing.

When you go for a walk, you can stand up and move around and get some steps in. You can create pauses in your workday by taking a stroll, whether it be around your apartment building, the parking lot, around your neighborhood, or a nearby park.

2. Grab those breaks.

Make sure you take breaks to prevent burnout while working from home. It’s among the most effective strategies to make a schedule for yourself.

Anyone who works from home has probably been sucked into an endless time consuming project, a meeting that lasted longer than intended, or doing never ending tasks in order to meet deadlines.

Don’t forget to take pauses during the day to keep yourself focused, inspired, and productive.

3. Take time off now and then

Americans are challenged doing this based on socialized conditioning.

It doesn’t help that work culture has turned a lot of people into those who feel guilty when they ask for time off from work.

I’m NOT one of them, and never will be.

If you’re short on vacation days or if your new job doesn’t want you taking off too shortly after starting, go away for a weekend!

Prevent burnout by taking mini-trips or mini-vacations, or, there’s always the good old ‘staycation’ where you can stick around your city or region and try things you typically don’t have time to do.

The first step is taking dedicated days off, and raising your spirits while you look forward to time off of any kind.

4. If it can wait until tomorrow, LET IT!

Working on stuff just before going to bed or right after dinner was one of my issues.

If not on a project deadline, ask yourself, “Will this have the same effect if I do it tomorrow at 9 am?”.

If the response is affirmative, partake in a fun pastime (a movie or a virtual game) and put an end to work-related activities to avoid sleep disruption and burnout

5. Do NOT rely on medications as a crutch!

You don’t want to be adding to professional burnout by masking it with medication, for one thing.

Determine the cause of your work-related burnout.

Determine what you can do to make things better. Perhaps spending more time with friends might make your day better or contribute to a more upbeat atmosphere.

Avoid trying to treat your burnout with medication under any circumstances, and if you discover that you are struggling with an addiction or other problem, please I beg of you to seek medical attention.

6. Give your relationship with healthy food & wellness priority

There is a connection between your mental and physical wellbeing.

Many professionals struggle with unhealthy snacking habits or meal skipping when working from home.

Your upcoming burnout may result from spending too many hours bent over the desk with salty chips and a soda instead of cucumber sticks as snacks, or you may skip dinner and choose a few slices of cake.

Make sure you ingest vitamins, nutrients, and fiber to assist your mind in feeling good and to prevent exhaustion. This will benefit you in your connection with yourself and at work.

7. Give up working on weekends

If finishing your task during the week is required of you, then make every effort to do it. Of course, you should put in those hours over the weekend if you’re a freelancer attempting to meet a client’s deadline. However, don’t forget to allow yourself a day off during the week.

If you sit down at your workstation on a Sunday afternoon to check business emails and respond to clients, you’re also putting yourself in a position where people will expect you to be available 24/7.

8. Find time to exercise each day

When you glance at your step count on your Fit app, one of our favorite travel applications, and see 23 steps, working from home can make you feel lethargic.

No bueno!

You can work up a sweat or raise your heart rate by ditching your phone and working with an online video or in the park.

Daily exercise forces your body to perform tasks other than merely working from home, taking calls, and attending meetings via Team.

In closing

Many people experience work-from-home burnout, and if you’re feeling depressed, keep in mind that hello, there is life outside of your house, apartment, and neighborhood. 

Listen up. If your job is making you anxious, keep in mind that there are other positions available that you may locate on a remote job board. There are also highly beneficial ways to work from home or express how you are feeling.

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